The Family

Me - Mum and wife, part time PA, small time collector of vintage china , amateur singer and actress, cross-stitcher, cook and cake baker.

Hubby - Dad and husband, computer fixer, dress maker, Lego builder, tenor and fez wearer. Loves his food except celery and basil.

DD - pre- teen daughter, bright, beautiful, talented, sporty, kind, honest, loving and funny. Knows what she likes and what she doesn't but tastes are getting wider as she gets older.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Spaghetti Carbonara

Freely adapted over time from a Delia Smith recipe


150ml double cream
2 eggs
4 rashers unsmoked bacon
125g (approx) Parmesan or Grana Padano cheese


  • Slice the bacon into small pieces and fry 
  • Whisk the eggs, cream and some of the cheese
  • Cook the spaghetti
  • Once the spaghetti is cooked drain it and return to the hot pan (but off the heat), add the sauce and stir
  • Put the spaghetti and sauce onto plates and then add the cooked bacon on top* with more cheese.

*The idea of adding the bacon seperately came about because DD doesn't like the bacon but she does like the cheese sauce

This takes about 15 minutes to make and serves the 3 of us - you can adjust quantities as you prefer.

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