The Family

Me - Mum and wife, part time PA, small time collector of vintage china , amateur singer and actress, cross-stitcher, cook and cake baker.

Hubby - Dad and husband, computer fixer, dress maker, Lego builder, tenor and fez wearer. Loves his food except celery and basil.

DD - pre- teen daughter, bright, beautiful, talented, sporty, kind, honest, loving and funny. Knows what she likes and what she doesn't but tastes are getting wider as she gets older.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Weekly Menu

I'll try and blog our weekly menu ahead of time!

Saturday - I went to a party so Husband and DD ate pizza
Sunday - Husband is cooking Chicken Enchiladas
Monday - Spaghetti Carbonara
Tuesday - Southern Fried Chicken, mashed potatoes and peas
Wednesday - ususal problem - compounded by my acting as Stage Manager for a school play and not being home all day
Thursday - Chicken stir fry and rice
Friday - Fish cakes, mashed potatoes and peas

Recipes and photos will hopefully follow daily!

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