The Family

Me - Mum and wife, part time PA, small time collector of vintage china , amateur singer and actress, cross-stitcher, cook and cake baker.

Hubby - Dad and husband, computer fixer, dress maker, Lego builder, tenor and fez wearer. Loves his food except celery and basil.

DD - pre- teen daughter, bright, beautiful, talented, sporty, kind, honest, loving and funny. Knows what she likes and what she doesn't but tastes are getting wider as she gets older.

Monday 6 August 2012

Spinach and Bacon Pasta

This is a delicious & very quick dish

All I do is cut up some bacon into small pieces & fry it in a little olive oil while boiling water to cook the pasta

I usually use fresh pasta as it cooks quicker but dried works just as well!

Once the bacon is cooked and the pasta is cooking (depending on whether fresh or dried) I add a bag of baby spinach to the bacon and wilt it

Then add some grated Parmesan, Grana Padano or Cheddar (personal choice - all work well) to the bacon and spinach mix

Drain the pasta once cooked then toss the bacon and spinach with the pasta and serve

I find it doesn't need any salt but a little black pepper is very nice. Add more grated cheese on top if you like

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